[ Browse by Service Category : Leisure Activities/Recreation : Sub-Topics of Recreational Activities/Sports (183) ]


Programs, often offered by local bicycle clubs and/or bicycle shops, that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn how to ride a bicycle, participate in group bicycle riding activities and/or to become competitive as amateurs in the sport of bicycle racing. The programs may sponsor or make arrangements for cyclists to participate in cycling competitions, usually at the local, regional or provincial level.

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Programs that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn and become involved in gliding, the sport of flying a light, motorless aircraft (a glider or sailplane) using ascending air currents to gain altitude, stay aloft and eventually land safely.

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Programs, often offered by local skating clubs, that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in and enjoy the sport of skating on a range of surfaces using a variety of equipment.

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Team Sports/Leagues

Programs that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in and enjoy the cooperative recreational activity or sport of their choice. These programs may provide coaching to help members play efficiently as a team and are often organized into leagues, i.e., groups of teams that are formed to play one another in organized competitions. Uniforms; access to playing fields, courts and other facilities; sporting equipment; and officials for competitions may also be available.

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Programs that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in and enjoy the sport of boating using any of a wide variety of watercraft.

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Programs, often offered by local fencing clubs, that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in and enjoy fencing, a sport which involves the use of the foil, epee and sabre in attack and defensive moves. The object of a match is to score points by touching an opponent with the weapon. The program may provide access to a fencing master or coach and fencing equipment; and may sponsor or make arrangements for athletes to participate in fencing competitions.

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Programs that provide opportunities for people to learn, become competitive in and enjoy card games, board games, lawn games and other mental or physical competitions which are governed by a set of rules and decided by skill or luck.

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General Recreational Activities/Sports

Programs that offer a range of organized recreational activities, sports and games that people of all ages can learn, become competitive in and enjoy.

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Programs, often offered by local hiking clubs, that provide opportunities for people of all ages to participate in group backpacking activities on hiking trails in different types of terrain. Individual hikes vary in length and level of difficulty.

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Mountain Climbing

Programs, often offered by local mountaineering clubs, that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn climbing skills and participate in mountaineering as a recreational activity.

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Programs, often offered by local ski clubs, that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in and enjoy skiing. The programs are generally open to people with a variety of ability levels and interests; and may organize ski trips and sponsor or make arrangements for athletes to participate in skiing competitions. Also included are programs that provide skiing instruction.

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Programs that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in and enjoy the sport of boxing. Included are recreational boxing programs for participants who are interested in the physical training and fun associated with the sport without competing; and Olympic-style boxing programs for people who may be interested in competition.

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Disability Related Sports

Programs that provide opportunities for people of all ages with functional or cognitive disabilities to learn, become competitive in and enjoy a wide variety of recreational activities and sports, many of which are played in wheelchairs or have otherwise been modified to accommodate the athletes' disabilities.

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Programs, often offered by local athletic clubs, that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in and enjoy handball, a game in which players use their hands to strike a ball against a four-walled court.

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Programs that provide opportunities for people to learn, become competitive in and enjoy snowshoeing, a winter sport in which participants move over gently sloping snow-covered trails while wearing a flat device resembling a racquet, which is attached to the sole of a boot and used for walking on snow. Also included are organizations that sponsor, hold or make arrangements for athletes to participate in snowshoe competitions.

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Programs that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn and enjoy the sport in which barbells of varying weights are lifted in competition or as a means of building strength while trimming fat. Traditional weightlifting competitions involve two lifts (the snatch and the clean-and-jerk), while contestants in powerlifting competitions attempt three types of lifts (the squat, bench press and deadlift) in a set sequence.

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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Centraide Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches
Ville de Québec
Ville de Lévis
Centre d'action bénévole Bellechasse - Lévis - Lotbinière